kavalier štenci - Cavalier Spaniel Ciric

Tag: kavalier štenci

"De Kuntentizza of Ćirić" -- F.C.I. 5263 - Begeč - Srbija --- Tel: +381 (060) 0 899 077

Cavalier Spaniel puppy for kennel De Kuntentizza of Ćirić

“Širi radost , možda ćeš baš ti nekome ulepšati dan.” Neka mala Amy donese radost i lepe trenutke svojoj novoj porodici iz Beograda , žele drugari iz odgajivačnice De Kuntentizza of Ćirić “Wider joy, maybe you’ll make someone a day better.” Let the little Amy bring joy and beautiful moments to her new family from Belgrade, […]

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